Excerpt from Wikipedia: Muhly grass is a perennial sedge-like plant that grows to be about 1-3 ft tall and 2-3 ft wide. The plant includes a double layer; green, leaf-like structures surround the understory, and purple-pink flowers outgrow them from the bottom up. Muhly is a warm-season grass, meaning that leaves begin growth in the summer. During the summer, the leaves stay green, but produce a more copper color in the fall. The seasonal changes also include the flowers, as they grow out during the fall and stay healthy till the end of autumn.
The muhly grows along the border of roads and on plain prairies. The grass clumps into herds, causing bush-like establishments in the area the muhly inhabits. The flowers are very feathery and add a cloudlike appearance to the top of the grass. It is native to eastern North America and can be used for a multitude of purposes, including ornamental gardening and farming.
Size: 1 to 3 feet tall and 2 to 3 feet wide.
Uses: Groundcover to prevent soil erosion and in landscapes.
Companions: Agave, salvia, and echinacea.
Habitat: Perennial in hot and dry climates in the southeastern United States, resistant to deer, rabbit, and pests, and provides cover for small mammals.
Harvest: Cut back in late winter or early spring to 3-4 inches of the crown.
Fun Fact: Tolerates both droughts and floods. Navajo people used this plant to make hairbrushes and brooms. Oh, and it was voted 2012 plant of the year by the Garden Club of America.