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Rabbit Holes no 3: Stories from the edges of regenerative agriculture

Updated: Mar 18, 2022

We have a new President, who was sworn in with great pomp and circumstance. And now the balloons have settled to the floor, the confetti has been swept aside, and the real work of building a better country, ecosystem, and society begin. We expect the new administration to be an ally to progress and a bold, green American economy, but no matter we're going to be here, working alongside you and growing better food, better jobs, and a better community.

We dream of a world where everyone has all they need within a short 5-10 minute walk of their home. That means fruit and vegetables on the street, corner stores, shared spaces, and community resources everywhere. It means no one goes hungry, or gets too cold, or has to sit out in the rain and snow and heat. It means abundance for all so that we can get to the fun parts of life, like art, music, conversation, and dancing.

It means we all belong. That's the world we're growing. Won't you join us?

Now, some links!

* "Designed by PCA-stream, the makeover plans will not be set in motion before the 2024 summer olympics, as reported by the guardian. the plans include the reduction of vehicles by half, transforming roads into green areas dedicated to pedestrians, and creating tunnels of trees that will help to improve the overall air quality of the area which is quite polluted — even more than the frequented périphérique ring road." Paris to turn champs-élysées into 'extraordinary garden' after 2024 summer Olympics.

* "The tree — a loblolly pine grown from a seed that circled the moon during the Apollo 14 moon mission — was planted in 1976 by the Sertoma Club as part of the nation’s bicentennial celebration. A marker designating the tree was installed, but it disappeared over time. Soon, the tree and its legacy were forgotten. Today, the tree looms large and anonymous.” As a seed, it orbited the moon on Apollo 14. 50 years later, this Athens pine is 'thriving'.

* “'From reduced pollination by insects and trees budding earlier in spring, to seabirds flying into lighthouses and sea turtles mistakenly wandering inland to bright hotels in search of the dawn sun, their study-of-studies brings together 126 previous papers to assess the extent of the impact. In all the animal species examined, they found reduced levels of melatonin – a hormone that regulates sleep cycles – as a result of artificial light at night." Treat artificial light like other forms of pollution, say scientists.

* "For centuries, rich men have rigged the system to make themselves even richer. They’ve exploited the planet and our bodies for their own personal gain. They’re trying to do it again, transparently, in plain view. What I’m asking of you, right now, is to imagine yourself – yes, you – being a transformative force in the world." This is what we're fighting for.



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