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Rabbit Holes no 16: Stories from the edges of regenerative agriculture

Updated: Mar 18, 2022

Happy Earth Week! We showed the earth a lot of love this week, breaking ground at two libraries, teaching high school students and planting three sisters gardens.

Thanks to Commissioners Mereda Davis Johnson and Ted Terry, we began installing Productive Urban Landscapes at Stonecrest Library and Clarkston Library, spreading compost and mulch, as well as planting fruit trees. It wouldn’t have been possible without the hard work of the DeKalb County facilities teams, and we appreciate the extra effort to make this happen. We look forward to breaking ground at four other libraries this year!

We were grateful to spend another day at The Mohammed Schools of Atlanta with their high school students. Jennifer Nwokolo and Christian represented the GreenHive and spoke about climate change and food insecurity before giving away t-shirts and the first edition of the GreenHive Zine! Afterwards, Khari Diop and Scott Nesbit led a three sisters planting by the soccer field on the freshly mowed field thanks to Khari’s BCS tractor work.

We’ll share more details about all of this in our blogs and on social media, but for now we are going to put our feet up because it’s been a crazy week! Thanks for going on this journey with us.

Earth Day Special: Winona LaDuke And The Women Over 50 Fighting To Save The Environment

While the consequences of climate change—rising air and sea temperatures, droughts, extreme storms and even insect outbreaks—have an impact on all humans around the globe, they have a disproportionate effect on women. This is because women are more likely than men to live in poverty and, according to a recent U.N. Environment Programme report, are “often discouraged from learning coping strategies and lifesaving skills, such as how to climb trees or swim,” which hampers their ability to escape or even migrate away from extreme weather conditions.

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The highly toxic pesticide aldicarb can no longer be used on citrus crops in Florida after the state denied an application by AgLogic Chemical LLC today, citing “an unacceptable risk to human, animal, and environmental health.” -

What Is Community Solar?

Community solar, also known as solar farms or solar gardens, allows electricity customers to enjoy the benefits of solar energy without having to install solar panels on their property.



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