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Rabbit Holes no 4: Stories from the edges of regenerative agriculture

Updated: Mar 18, 2022

This week's Rabbit Holes has arrived with an awesome new development in the wild world of Roots Down. Starting today, membership in the #GreenHive (our ecology club for teens and their families) is no longer $7/'s pay whatever you want to pay! We're a new type of company, less interested in making gobs of money, and more interested in building a better world for all. That means making our educational materials as accessible as possible. We're building more than a business; we're growing a movement, so take a look at the #GreenHive and sign on up if you think it's the right fit for you and your family.

Now, let's get to those links!

* "We've all been there. You're stuck in the woods on a camping trip or a hike when suddenly you hear the call of the wild...or rather you feel the call deep in your guts. You have to go #2! But you didn't bring any toilet paper! Now what!?" 17 medicinal plants that can also be used for toilet paper.

* "Since the 1990s, Williamson and Dunham-Jones have been watching the suburbs evolve. They have found that much of the suburban sprawl of the 20th century was built to serve a very different population than the one that exists now, and so preserving what the suburbs once were doesn't make sense." The People the Suburbs Were Built for Are Gone.

* "Life is full of ups and downs, twists and turns, but every person can make a difference on this earth. Perhaps we all have a unique path that will eventually take us in the right direction- and this Pathfinder can help us find it faster! Even after my time at UCSB, I will continue to refer to Soil Centric's Pathfinder whenever I seek inspiration from others who, like me, are dedicated to making a world of difference." A College Student’s Path to Climate Action via the Soil Centric blog.



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